Forever Hoping

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Christianity Explored Part 2

Back in January I told you about my dear friend, who signed up to the Christianity Explored course at my church. Well I am so happy to be able to tell you that my many years of prayers were answered! She gave her life back to Christ and has been faithfully attending church with me ever since. It has been amazing to see how God has worked in her heart and has changed her from the inside out. 

When she told me that she was going to do the course, I decided to go along with her for moral support. To be honest I wasn’t really looking forward to it, but I wanted to be there for her and answer any questions that she may not feel brave enough to ask in-front of a room full of strangers. 

The first two years of trying to conceive were the worst years for me. I was completely overcome with shame, anger, bitterness, anxiety… the list could go on! And even though I went to church (well most Sundays), I was only there in body. It was during this time that I first did the Christianity Explored course. I didn’t enjoy it then and that’s why I wasn’t looking forward to it the second time around. 

Thankfully after the first night, I couldn’t wait to go back. I loved every minute of it! The questions that were asked, the stories of desperation and the willingness to explore had me hooked. Each week I could see the barriers come down, as they stepped a little closer. I enjoyed sharing more of my own story of faith and how it underpins my life. 

One Sunday during worship, I prayed and praised God despite the anxiety in my heart about a situation in work. Thoughts of infertility were creeping in as well. I remember being unsettled in my thoughts, jumping from one thing to another as well as trying to give God the praise that he deserved. Little did I know that someone from the course was watching me. 

When I stepped down from the worship team a few years previous, I was told that I would still be able to lead where I was in the congregation. That Sunday I was leading someone without even realising it. Despite everything that was going on in my head and my heart, I was later told that I had a look of peace. It was the peace on my face that she desperately wanted. How wonderful it is that she has gone on to claim “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding”. 

Everyone who attended the course has given their life to Christ and most have been baptised. 

Including my friend:) 

Blessings xx 

“Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it.” 1 Peter 3:15 (NLT)

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